Superhero genre fans already know the wrath El Mayimbe has incurred from Marvel Studios for breaking the latest scoops on all of their upcoming Phase Two and Phase Three movies. The man is at it again, this time offering a very detailed look at the screenplay for Doctor Strange.
Marvel Phase Three consists of four movies thus far, with release dates confirmed by Marvel Studios. The first out of the gate is Ant-Man, which arrives November 2015. Then we have the Untitled Marvel Project 2016 arriving May 6th of that year, followed by the Second Untitled Marvel Project 2016 coming July 8th. And this will be wrapped up with the Untitled Marvel Project 2017 on May 5th of that year.
Right now, it's a safe bet that the Untitled Marvel Project 2017 is actually The Avengers 3, which Robert Downey Jr. was recently confirmed to return for. That leaves the other two mystery movies floating through speculation land. Most believe that these films will be, no surprise, Doctor Strange and Black Panther.
Latino Review confirms that Doctor Strange is one of the movies, but aren't sure which date it will land on. They did, however, get their hands on the screenplay, written by Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer. Marvel Studios is reportedly very happy with what has been turned in.
El Mayimbe has decided to reveal the contents of the script in a series of videos. To watch the first one: clickHere
Here is a detailed description of the screenplay's first act, which opens with Stephen Strange's sister disappearing in the bottom of a pond, and eventually finds the Doctor taking over the neurology center at his hospital.
Later, police officers and supervised construction workers drain the pond looking for Donna. There is no sign of her. A police psychologist talks to Stephen's parents, Gene and Beverly Strange, and suggests transference. Maybe Stepen has done something too horrible to contemplate.
Years later, we meet Doctor Strange at the Hudson General Hospital. With piercing eyes, a trimmed goatee, and the swagger of a demi-god, he commands respect. Strange comes across a young boy with a brain tumor, and orders a cat scan within the hour.
Next, we are in Strange's corner office. As he surveys his new office and asks for a decorator, we find out that Strange is going to become the head of neurology, replacing the out going Doctor Bresten. Strange later catches up with Dr. Bresten as he fires five residents in taking up his own residency. Strange and Bresten argue, because Strange is going to operate on the young boy with the brain tumor, who is also Dr. Bresten's patient.
We are next in Strange's penthouse, where Strange makes love to Becca, one of the nurses. We discover that Strange sleeps 30 minutes out of time, six times every twenty-four hours, for a total of three hours a day. Polyphasic sleep. Later, we catch up with Strange, as he operates on the boy with the brain tumor. Something happens during surgery, where Strange bursts out of the operating room and into a hallway, where it is filled with multi-colored lights glowing in space. A multi-layered star field.
Strange leaves the hospital and gets into an accident, where his car hits a light pole. The electricity travels right through the roof of the car, sending 8000 volts of blue power shooting right through Strange's hands and arms. Strange screams out in agony and blacks out.
Strange wakes up in an operating room, where we discover that he has sustained sever neurological damage. His motor functions will be impaired. We next go through a montage where Strange goes through some painful physical therapy, pours over medical papers, gets prescriptions, goes through acupuncture, is in exile, regains his strength, meditates, incurs death, and finally gets served with an eviction notice."
This will be continued in a Part II report.
What do you think about this opening? Are you excited for the film? Do you want to know more? Let us know what you think.
Doctor Strange is in development .
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