Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hot News: 7 Big Veronica Mars Movie Spoilers Revealed

Creator Rob Thomas reveals 7 big Veronica Mars movie spoilers

Creator Rob Thomas has teased 7 major spoilers for the impending Veronica Mars movie, which starts shooting this summer after securing a $ 2 million (+) budget from fans of the failed WB/The CW series on Kickstarter.

Since going on Kickstarter last week, Veronica Mars has secured more than $ 4 million from eager audience members desperate to see Kristen Bell's title character on the big screen. The film is happening with a larger budget than originally planned, thanks to many generous donations, and now Rob Thomas is faced with the challenge of making a movie that fans old and new will enjoy (especially since it's costing quite a few of them more than just a movie ticket).

About the screenplay, Thomas had this to say,

"If we turn in a lousy movie, that would be a sad ending to the story. Fans want to see all those characters back together again. And the reunion set piece allows me to do that."

Yes, as mentioned when the news broke, the movie will revolve around a Neptune High School reunion, with Veronica having graduated from college. At this time, Kristen Bell is the only cast member officially signed on, but expect to hear more official cast announcements shortly.

Rob Thomas has offered more insight into the story beyond this 10 year reunion. Will Veronica be single? What is she doing now? What will the movie be rated? And who isn't returning to Neptune? Read on if you want to know 7 Huge Spoilers for this highly anticipated big screen continuation of the popular TV series.

First up: What's up with Veronica's love life? It has been confirmed that the private investigator will be seeing someone at the start of the movie, but it won't be her ex.

"Thomas reveals that Veronica 'is dating someone' at the start of the movie, but he declines to say whether her suitor is an existing character or someone new. He does, however, rule out her ex Logan, whom 'she hasn't seen in nine years.'"

Second: What has Veronica been doing for the past 10 years?

"She transferred away from Hearst College after that freshman year and went up to Stanford and finished her undergraduate degree. And then she went to Columbia Law School. She's certainly been back to Neptune from time to time to see her dad and Mac and Wallace, but she hasn't worked a PI case since the last one we all saw in the final episode of Season 3. She ruined her dad's chance for re-election and she decided that that path had caused too much chaos in her life. And so she hasn't worked a PI case in nine years. And when we meet her, she's sort of like where Tom Cruise was in the beginning of The Firm. She's between having graduated and taken the bar and she's interviewing at various law firms in New York."

Third: A beloved character will definitely not be returning. That's right, Veronica's canine sidekick Backup is currently living in doggy heaven.

"If you do the math, that's a big dog to still be alive 13 years later. Most 100lb dogs, they get 7 or 8 years of life. It would strain credulity if the same Backup were still alive."

Fourth: Backup isn't the only character that won't return for this 10-year reunion.

"I want to avoid getting deep into the Veronica Mars mythology. We're not going to get ghost visits from Lilly, as much as I joked about having Amanda Seyfried in it. We're not going to get into Veronica's backlog of cases. I want to make the movie accessible for people who haven't watched Veronica Mars before. All you need to know is that Veronica was a teenage private eye and she's given it up. And there will be a moment early in the movie that will bring her back to Neptune and make her give being a private detective one more shot."

Fifth: What will the movie be rated?

"The movie will be rated PG-13. That's what Rob Thomas is 'shooting for'."

Sixth: Veronica and her dad will continue the relationship as seen in the TV series, with Keith being more than just a cameo.

"Much like on the series, the father-daughter relationship between Keith and Veronica will be a 'big theme' in the movie, maintains Thomas."

Finally, Seventh: Veronica will not die in the movie, and there is a slight possibility of a 10-episode Netflix series down the road. Maybe. Someday.

"Veronica will survive the movie. I can't promise anyone else does though. But there will be an opportunity for Veronica do to her thing again. I'd be lying if I didn't say I didn't think of those things. I am hopeful it is the birth of [much more] Veronica Mars."

Are you excited for the rebirth of Veronica Mars? Did you donate money to the cause? Or do you think this is a waste of time?

Veronica Mars comes to theaters in 2014 and stars Kristen Bell.

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